Friday 25 March 2016

Basic Tools Before You Use Watercolour

Watercolour is some kind of art tool. It can be use for colouring your sketch. You know it's fun to use watercolour, but quite tricky to use it too. And if you want to use watercolour you need basic tools, and here it is:

1.     Watercolour
Watercolour is some kind of water based paint, but it's different from acrylic. Acrylic is a paint that more similar with oil paint but water based. It's just can removed with water when it's still wet. But watercolour blend really well with water, it can give you transparent colour if you add more water to it. There is 2 kind of watercolour, tube watercolour and pan watercolour.
tube watercolours and pan watercolours

2.     Brush
I recommend brush with pointed end if you use aquarelle technique (add much water to watercolour). And flat brush when you use poster technique (use watercolour without water added).
pointed end brush and flat brush

3.     Water
Water can be use to make your watercolour has more soft colour, or to clean your brush.
4.     Palette
Palette is a plate with many sunken on it. It's commonly use for paint.

plastic palette
5.     Paper
Watercolour need a media that can absorb water, that’s why paper is commonly used. There is special paper for watercolour, it’s more thick than regular paper, slow in absorbing water, and it's wouldn’t damaged if you use too much water.
watercolour paper
6.     Pencil
Pencil commonly use for sketching because it’s easy to use and you can erase it.

And that’s all basic tools for using watercolour, last things you need is your creativity and bravery.
Happy painting!

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