Thursday 26 May 2016

Sundanese Alphabet : Kaganga

These day Indonesian using alphabet to write. But in the past, before Dutch invasion, they're using their own local script. Like Indonesia local language, they have many local script like Javanese script, Balinese script, Batak script, Sundanese script, and many more. And what I want to tell you now is Sundanese alphabet or Sundanese script or Sundanese Kaganga script or aksara Sunda baku in Indonesia.

Sundanese Kaganga script is modern Sundanese script that made in 1997, based to ancient Sundanese script called Kuna that used by ancient Sundanese between 14th and 18th century. This script also made on purpose to conserve ancient Sundanese script with more easy and simple script. Name Kaganga itself originated from three first letter on this script.

Unlike other script, this script almost can write anything. And now I would like to tell you the Sundanese Kaganga script so you can write your name, address, diary, or anything with this script.

1.     The Alphabet
Like regular alphabet, this script has A-Z and several new letter.



2.     The Diacritics (rarangken)
Rarangken is some sign that can change alphabet vocal sound.


3.     The Number
Just a regular number in a script.


So now you can write anything with this script. Ok lets try it...

First let's try with Sundanese

And then English

Ok, that's all my post about Sundanese Kaganga script. I hope it can help you :)

many thanks to:

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